
Paris Jazz Corner


5 rue de navarre
75005 Paris
T: (+33) 1 43 36 78 92 contact@parisjazzcorner.com

Agency open from
tuesdays to saturday
from 12.00 AM to 8.00 PM

27 place de la libération
30250 Sommières
T : (+33) 4 66 35 42 83

Agency open on:
Saturday from 12.00 AM to 7.00 PM
or by appointment


Groove Elation!,John Scofield

John Scofield (guitar)

"Groove Elation!"

Blue Note 1995 (réf. CDP 7243 8 32801 2 4)

Avec la participation de :
John Scofield (guitar), Randy Brecker (trumpet), Idris Muhammad (drums), Steve Turre (trombon), Don Alias (percussions), Billy Drewes (saxophone), Larry Goldings (hammond organ), Dennis Irwin (bass), Howard Johnson (tuba)

CD, stereo, neuf, 11.00
[12.98 US$, 1,426.70 ¥]

État du disque : S
 État de la pochette : S

> ajouter à mon panier

> See pictures about : Don Alias
> See pictures about : Randy Brecker
> See pictures about : Larry Goldings
> See pictures about : John Scofield

1. Lazy
2. Peculiar
3. Let The Cat Out
4. Kool
5. Old Soul
6. Groove Elation
7. Carlos
8. Soft Shoe
9. Let It Shine
10. Bigtop

0 item in your basket

27 place de la libération - 30250 Sommières - T : (+33) 4 66 35 42 83 - contact@parisjazzcorner.com
Agency open on: Saturday from 12.00 AM to 7.00 PM or by appointment
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