Paris Jazz Corner


5 rue de navarre
75005 Paris
T: (+33) 1 43 36 78 92

Agency open from
tuesdays to saturday
from 12.00 AM to 8.00 PM

27 place de la libération
30250 Sommières
T : (+33) 4 66 35 42 83

Agency open on:
Saturday from 12.00 AM to 7.00 PM
or by appointment


Vertical's currency,Kip Hanrahan

Kip Hanrahan (vocals)

"Vertical's currency"

American Clavé 1986 (réf. AMCL CD 1010 -)

Avec la participation de :
Kip Hanrahan (vocals), Ignacio Berroa (drums), Jack Bruce (bass), Peter Scherer, Steve Swallow (bass),

CD, stereo, neuf, 12.00
[14.16 US$, 1,556.40 ¥]

État du disque : S
 État de la pochette : S

> ajouter à mon panier

> See pictures about : Kip Hanrahan
> See pictures about : Steve Swallow

1. Small Map of Heaven
2. Shadow Song (Mario's In)
3. Smiles and Grins
4. Two Heartedly. To the Other Side
5. Chances Are Good (Baden's Distance)
6. Make Love 2
7. One Casual Song (After Another)
8. Intimate Distances (Jack's Margrit's Natasha)
9. Describing It to Yourself as a Convex
10. What Do You Think? That This Mountain Was Once Fire?
11. Dark (Kip's Tune)

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27 place de la libération - 30250 Sommières - T : (+33) 4 66 35 42 83 -
Agency open on: Saturday from 12.00 AM to 7.00 PM or by appointment
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