Paris Jazz Corner


5 rue de navarre
75005 Paris
T: (+33) 1 43 36 78 92

Agency open from
tuesdays to saturday
from 12.00 AM to 8.00 PM

27 place de la libération
30250 Sommières
T : (+33) 4 66 35 42 83

Agency open on:
Saturday from 12.00 AM to 7.00 PM
or by appointment


live at Semper opera,Jean Luc Ponty

Jean Luc Ponty (violin)

"Live at Semper opera"

Le chant du monde 2002 (réf. 274 1187)

Avec la participation de :
Jean Luc Ponty (violin), William Lecomte (piano), Thierry Arpino (drums), Moustapha Cissé (percussions), Guy Nsangué Akwa (bass)

CD, stereo, occasion, 11.00
[12.98 US$, 1,426.70 ¥]


> ajouter à mon panier

1. Imagynary Voyage - Infinite Pursuit
2. Jig
3. Forever Together
4. No Absolute Time
5. Mirage
6. Enigmatic Ocean Part 1 & 2)
7. Band Introduction
8. Mouyna Bowa
9. Caracas

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27 place de la libération - 30250 Sommières - T : (+33) 4 66 35 42 83 -
Agency open on: Saturday from 12.00 AM to 7.00 PM or by appointment
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