
Paris Jazz Corner


5 rue de navarre
75005 Paris
T: (+33) 1 43 36 78 92 contact@parisjazzcorner.com

Agency open from
tuesdays to saturday
from 12.00 AM to 8.00 PM

27 place de la libération
30250 Sommières
T : (+33) 4 66 35 42 83

Agency open on:
Saturday from 12.00 AM to 7.00 PM
or by appointment


No beginning no end,Kenny Werner

Kenny Werner (piano)

"No beginning no end"

Half Note 2010 (réf. HN 4543)

Avec la participation de :
Kenny Werner (piano), Joe Lovano (saxophone), Judi Silvano (vocals),

CD, stereo, occasion, 12.00
[14.16 US$, 1,556.40 ¥]


> ajouter à mon panier

1. Death is not the answer
2. Loved ones
3. The god of timz
4. Astral journey
5. We three
6. Visitation: waves of unborn
7. Cry out
8. Coda

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27 place de la libération - 30250 Sommières - T : (+33) 4 66 35 42 83 - contact@parisjazzcorner.com
Agency open on: Saturday from 12.00 AM to 7.00 PM or by appointment
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