Paris Jazz Corner


5 rue de navarre
75005 Paris
T: (+33) 1 43 36 78 92

Agency open from
tuesdays to saturday
from 12.00 AM to 8.00 PM

27 place de la libération
30250 Sommières
T : (+33) 4 66 35 42 83

Agency open on:
Saturday from 12.00 AM to 7.00 PM
or by appointment


il y a 16 réponses
correspondant à votre requête:

le nom commence par Nelson
le prénom commence par Steve

Waiting In The Wings, Geoff Keezer

Geoff Keezer

"Waiting In The Wings"

sunnyside 1989, CD, occasion
Avec la participation deBill Mobley, Steve Nelson, Rufus Reid

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Imagina, Songs of Brasil, Karrin Allyson

Karrin Allyson

"Imagina, Songs of Brasil"

Concord Jazz 2008, CD, occasion
2008 cd edition

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don't take your time, Erin Bode

Erin Bode

"Don't take your time"

maxjazz 2004, CD, occasion
Avec la participation deBruce Barth

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Fast forward to the past, Donald Brown

Donald Brown

"Fast forward to the past"

Space Time records 2008, CD, occasion
État du disque : S;  État de la pochette : S

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Native colours, Billy Drummond

Billy Drummond

"Native colours"

Criss Cross Jazz 1991 , CD, occasion
1992 CD edition

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Things of that particular nature, Duane Eubanks

Duane Eubanks

"Things of that particular nature"

sunnyside 2015, CD, occasion

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Dream Of The Elders, Dave Holland

Dave Holland

"Dream Of The Elders"

ECM 1995, CD, occasion
Avec la participation deCassandra Wilson

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Points Of View, Dave Holland

Dave Holland

"Points Of View"

ECM, CD, occasion
1998 CD Edition

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What goes around, Dave Holland

Dave Holland

"What goes around"

ECM 2002, CD, occasion
2002 CD edition
État du disque : S;  État de la pochette : S

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> ajouter à mon panier

curveball, Geoff Keezer

Geoff Keezer


sunnyside 1990, CD, occasion

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Other Spheres, Geoff Keezer

Geoff Keezer

"Other Spheres"

DIW Records 1992, CD, occasion
Avec la participation deBill Mobley, Leon Parker, Bill Pierce
Japanese Edition CD

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rhythm of the earth, Jackie McLean

Jackie McLean

"Rhythm of the earth"

Polydor 1992, CD, occasion
Avec la participation deSteve Davis, Eric Mc Pherson

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Rythm of the Earth, Jackie McLean

Jackie McLean

"Rythm of the Earth"

BirdOlogy 1992, CD, occasion
2002 digipack edition

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Merry Magic, Eric Reed

Eric Reed

"Merry Magic"

maxjazz, CD, occasion
2003 CD édition Digipack

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talkin' trash, James Williams

James Williams

"Talkin' trash"

Columbia 1993, CD, occasion
Avec la participation deClark Terry
CD edition

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Blues for Marcus, Steve Wilson

Steve Wilson

"Blues for Marcus"

Criss Cross Jazz 1993, CD, occasion
1993 CD ediiton

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27 place de la libération - 30250 Sommières - T : (+33) 4 66 35 42 83 -
Agency open on: Saturday from 12.00 AM to 7.00 PM or by appointment
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